Many homeowners take the DIY route for home improvements mainly due to the cost savings. While skills and know-how can give you good results, some home improvements are best left to professionals. In today’s post, Ben’s Construction Inc. shares insight on whether DIY gutter installation is worth it.

Proper Gutter Installation Is Important
Gutters may look simple, but installation is anything but: it requires precision, from cutting the pieces to the selection of trough sizes. Incorrect installation is the most common root cause of problems like leaks and poor drainage. Since every home is unique due to factors like roof slope, material, and even the local climate, gutter installers rely on training and experience to build and install the correct gutter system for any particular house or building. Most importantly, most gutter professionals offer a quality guarantee or warranty for their workmanship.
It’s Safer When You Leave It to Pros
Activities that involve climbing the edge of the roof are inherently dangerous, and if you need only one reason to have your gutters replaced by professionals, this is it. In addition to a potential fall injury, gutter installation involves cutting sheet metal, which can result in cuts caused by sharp edges. The cost to treat such injuries will have to be taken out of your own insurance coverage. Gutter installers, on the other hand, are trained and equipped for safety. Also, workers’ compensation covers the costs of treatment if injuries happen.
It’s Time and Cost-Efficient
Most DIYers tend to take their time with their projects because they have no other commitments. That’s perfectly fine for things like building a gazebo or mending a fence, but gutter installation has to be done as soon as possible. Gutter professionals have the experience to make sure the project is finished on time — less delays mean cost and time efficiency.
Access to Quality Materials
Professionals are supplied by manufacturers that don’t always sell through retail channels, which means you’ll have a better selection of quality materials. Seamless gutters, in particular, are not as accessible to casual DIYers due to how they’re built: gutter troughs are shaped on-site using specialized equipment that may not be readily available.
So to answer the question: is DIY gutter installation worth it? All signs point to no — instead, leave it to the professionals at Ben’s Construction Inc. Give us a call at (508) 962-2417, or fill out our online form to schedule a free estimate on your new gutters.